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TES Karsa scolding 369 for his performance
369 head on Trashtalking TES before the Game #lpl
EDG Coach yells at his Players after they lost to RNG (Maokai) #lpl
369 heavily criticised for his performance
Karsa doesn't stop Chasing for 30s #lpl
JDG Coach scolds 369 for his lack of confidence #lpl
Karsa camping 369 was Personal for Sure #lpl
Bin Shaking during his 1v1 vs TheShy
JDG vs V5 Karsa驗收成果! 369,一個賽季練個納爾有那麼難嗎?
Karsa's Vision Control Is INSANE
Tyler1 reacts to EDG Coach YELLING at his Players
369 "Dice player" explaination